Count your many blessings: Residents share reasons they are thankful this year

Marlys Good

We reached out to a cross-section of our friends and neighbors, asking each what he or she was most  thankful for this Thanksgiving. We think they speak for almost all of us in their answers. We are, indeed, fortunate to live in this small town, where neighbors care about each other, where almost everyone is considered our neighbor, whether they live next door, down the block, or on the other end of town, or in the suburbs or beyond.
Here is what we heard:
Christine McMillan: “I’m thankful for my husband, my family, my health and for Greybull.”
Ken Jensen:  “For family and good health, and watching our sons grow up to be the fine men they are today.”
Mavis Hunt is very thankful for her family. “They do everything for me,” she said.
Augie Garcia knew immediately what he was most thankful for: “I am so thankful that I live in this country,” he answered, explaining that he came here from Cuba, and is now proud to be a citizen of the United States of America - the greatest country in the world.
Ginger Flock, secretary at the GMS, said she is most thankful this Thanksgiving for family and health.
Exchange student Julia Paul (McColloch) is thankful she will be eating a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner — for the first time ever.
Linda Cooper is thankful for a happy, happy family who will all be together for this special holiday, and to be living in our “land of the free.”
Steve Hoblit knew immediately what he was most thankful for: “My family, God, and all my blessings!”
William Harlow, an eighth grader, said he was thankful his family, his friends, and being able to spend time with his friends — and for Wyoming.
Greybull High School senior Joel Miller said, “I am thankful for my family, football and my friends.”
Autumn Lewis, GMS eighth grader: “I am thankful for my family, that we have freedom of speech and for the roof over my head.:
Cassie Lewis, a sixth grader, echoes her sister in two of the categories, family and freedom of speech, but adds, “I am thankful for the Lord.”
Carla Scharen, of CC’s Pizza, answered quickly. “I am thankful that my mother is healthy, that I live in a small town, and most of all, I am thankful for my grandchildren. I love them dearly.”   
Kay Mattis: “I am most thankful for my family, and for my belief in God.”
Vicky Garay of Los Gabanes has many things to be thankful for, but at the top of her list are her family and all the people who come into her corner restaurant. “They are why we are still here,” she said.
Linda Close shared that she lost her father a year ago and is deeply thankful for her family and friends who have been there for her throughout the grieving process. It makes one realize again how precious friends and family are, she said.
Julie Craft said she has so many things to be thankful for, but heading her list are her family, her friends and that she lives in Greybull. 
Jeri Bockman was quick to single out her greatest blessing: “My children. They take such wonderful care of me and are always here for me.”
Catcher Russell, a 2023 GHS grad now attending the University of Wyoming, said he was thankful for family, friends and  added, “I don’t know quite how to put this - just HOME!”
Shawn Williamson, worship leader at the Grace Fellowship Church, gave us words to think about as we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving 2023: “ First of all, I am glad God had a plan to redeem sinners; I am thankful that Jesus was open to the  plan, and I am glad that he is willing to work through broken people.”

